The wisest people known are the oldest, the travelled and the learned. Well, they had to start somewhere, so why not here. Welcome to Learning Wisdom my teaching, learning and travel blog.
I suppose some of the more “eagle eyed” amongst you have recognised the irony of releasing a travel blog in 2020. For those of the future, this is the year of the COVID 19 pandemic, of humanities unbridled stupidity and the year we proved, without a shadow of a doubt, why each of those zombie movies we know and love end up as a world ending apocalypse.
Any who….
My name is Russell, I am in my 20’s and reader of Geology. I have a fondness for learning new things, be it; skills, languages or even useless pieces of information that I don’t need to know.
I am currently an Online English Teacher looking to travel and explore different cultures of the world, my first stop being the continent of Asia. I will post anything and everything I feel like, because that’s what I can do, being the blogger an’ all. If you have any questions or anything you would like me to give my heavily biased opinion on, seeing as I am always right, then please feel free to ask.
I look forward to see you all in the data space and I hope you enjoy your time here.
Have Fun!!