
Teaching like a Sith Lord


Having gained some experience of teaching first hand through “educating” many students ranging in ages and skill levels I have come to develop into something I like to refer to as…

A Palpatine Teacher

Bare with me here. I have noticed this, not only in myself, but also in may others within the TEFL field of education.

Fear not, it’s not a bad thing, per se, just a little…evil.

Now, I would like to propose an argument that, once you recognise, is an irrefutable FACT.

Darth Sidious, the creepy cloaked guy from that famous sci-fi movie series, was a truly incredible teacher and mentor. Sure, he was “evil” and “manipulative”…and an insurmountable dictator of indescribable power…but he wasn’t half bad as a teacher…

I realise this maybe falling apart a little but please bare with me.

As Palpatine he was a great friend to Anakin, guiding him into, quite literally, becoming THE CHOSEN ONE. He was a just leader and helped unite all the planets and nations of the galaxy.

Sure, this was all in a case to become the Emperor, but he hid it quite well and still, technically, did all those things for “good”.

As Darth Sidious he was a supreme being of unquestionable intelligence and strength, capable of raising and moulding Anakin Skywalker, the chosen one who will bring balance to the force, into a true “force” to be reckoned with (see what I did there), debatably more powerful than if he stayed with the Jedi order.


What’s with all this nerd stuff?!?

You say

…well, with this in mind I have noticed that in a “Dr Jackal and Mr Hyde” fashion, teachers too, do have this form of mentality.

Just like The Sith Lord himself, we seem to seamlessly swap between a superior evil intelligence manipulating the minds for the future to come… to a wise old friend offering a guiding hand, forging a thirst for knowledge and truth.

…Hmm, sounded much less sinister in my head…anywho….

This is, in my interpretation, an excellent construct of a true teacher.


Teachers are foremost, placed in a position of power over blank humans. We are dedicated to moulding and sculpting the perfect beings through a pursuit and love of knowledge.


Are teachers the friendly wise guide, helping those blank souls find their own path and push them forward into the best self they can be.

Darth Sidious or Senator Palpatine?

To be a true teacher you need to have a balance of both. You cannot be a friend as the respect is lost. Your guidance becomes less significant but expected, more of a suggestion than a direction.

Do not become the book of knowledge, but the map to its library.


A teacher needs to be the guiding hand to our young padawans, someone they can always rely upon, but not so forgiving as to allow them dependence upon us. How will they ever become the little “Sith Lords” we guide them towards, or make the decision for which path to take?

The underlying creed of the Sith is knowledge is power, no matter the source. This is true for teachers, too. Instilling a sense of gain, greed and gluttony towards knowledge is a good thing. It comes down to the Palpatine side for how to use that knowledge.

When it comes down to it, our very creed, as educators is not to spark the fire, but to fan the flames that keep a burning desire for knowledge. You will always get students who don’t wish to learn, but that is our burden to bare. We carry that weight for the day when they find something they are willing to learn for.

The day when our shoulders lighten will be the day our students no longer need us.

Will they use their new found knowledge to improve the world or will they “throw us over the rails”(episode 6 *wink wink nudge nudge*), be it more figuratively in our position than literally.

Anyway, that’s my rambling for another day. What do you think?

Am I onto something?

Do I watch too many movies?

Should I stop using a new line for each statement to make it seem more profound?

Please do let me know. Any questions please Leave a Q.